Friday, July 24, 2009


Looks as though I have nothing to say right now after all.

I will note in passing that an 11-year-old chocolate lab who will let you rest your feet on his belly while you type is not an all-bad thing, even if he does smell shockingly bad.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

With no Fanfare Whatsoever


I've put off starting this because I wasn't sure what kind of blog I want to write or whom I want to write it or how to tell with 100% certainty that I'm using the correct pronoun case in that last sentence. Besides, one or two people have done this before.

And what about that name? A pithy yet heartfelt essay seems in order here in which I tell about my son's imaginary friend and his (its?) many adventures in said son's digestive tract. Or perhaps I'll just make my own Blog Creation Story, changing it a little every time until the details are tweaked just right. Maybe it's just that every other name is taken, and/or I'm not so good at naming things. Maybe all these matters can wait until my audience is larger than one.

Will it be personal? Anonymous? Linky? Political? Inflammatory? Abandoned?

Stay Tuned (if you want). Some beginning is better than none, and now that the first post is out of the way I can let it rest and see what it might be.